法布里斯高斯: Congressional Black Caucus Executive Director

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作者:Anna Stolley Persky

法布里斯高斯在皇后区长大, 纽约, Fabrice Emmanuel 芸苔属植物 was that kid — the one who always peppers adults with questions. 芸苔属植物, executive director of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), 家人经常这样告诉他, “你说得太多了. 你问了这么多问题.”

“从一开始, 人们认为,因为我喜欢争论, 因为我总是问问题, 我应该当澳门赌场官网,科尔斯说。. “这是我生命早期种下的一颗种子.”

2008年从法学院毕业后, 科尔斯在国会担任过各种各样的工作, 在每一个, 他说, his inquisitive and sometimes skeptical nature has served him well.

“Yes, I’m still that kid that asks ‘why’ a lot,科尔斯说。. “你为什么相信你所相信的呢? Why do you think that’s a good solution to this problem? 我问什么是修饰,什么不是. Asking questions is an important part of thinking critically. 这是寻找真相的一部分.”

Indeed, 芸苔属植物 sees himself as always on a search for truth. 到目前为止, that journey has led him into a “deep dive” into the economic difficulties facing underserved communities. 通过他的学习和工作经验, 芸苔属植物 has developed an expertise in community development and small business policy.

多年来, 我意识到我对公共政策的坚定承诺, 尤其是公共政策的经济方面,科尔斯说。. “我觉得有必要做点什么来帮助别人.”

自2017年1月起, 科尔斯曾担任CBC的执行董事, which is composed of African American members of the U.S. 众议院和参议院. 加拿大广播公司, which describes itself as the “Conscience of the Congress,” is dedicated to empowering African Americans and other marginalized communities. 委员会主席是共和党众议员. 来自路易斯安那州的民主党人塞德里克·里士满说.

芸苔属植物 works with CBC members and their staff to develop and implement far-reaching policy goals, 包括改革刑事司法体系, 打击压制选民行为, and expanding access to affordable health care and quality education. 芸苔属植物 says the CBC is also “actively engaged in providing robust oversight into the actions and policies of this current presidential administration.”

“这是一个有趣的时代,”35岁的科尔斯说. “One of our goals is to engage the public in hot-button topics and important conversations. Our members raise their voices in a variety of ways to ensure that the perspective of underserved Americans is not lost but heard.”

芸苔属植物 says he uses his expertise in economic issues in helping to craft policy geared toward increasing opportunities for minority-owned business, 例如. But he also currently “wears a bunch of different hats” and is honing other skill sets, including event planning and administrative logistics.

“I’m a bit of a jack of all trades right now,科尔斯说。. “我仍在运用我的法律技能, 而不是在法官面前, but certainly by being in a constant series of negotiations, advocating and executing frequent written work product. 没有一天是相同的.”

芸苔属植物 grew up in what he describes as a working-class neighborhood. 1997年至2001年, 他就读于菲利普斯埃克塞特学院, 新罕布什尔州的一所高级寄宿学校. He then went to Wesleyan University in Middletown, 连接icut, and Howard University School of Law. 芸苔属植物 appreciates the law school experience for “the deep exposure to legacy, 与历史的联系.”

But, 芸苔属植物 admits, law school was also challenging. He found his classes either profoundly interesting or they were “required drudgery.”

“对我来说没有中间地带. A class either animated me and moved me or it didn’t,科尔斯说。. “I started to dig deep into issues relating to economics and corporations. Once we got to pick our electives, that’s where I started to shine and hit my stride. Looking at 世界 through an economic policy lens, that has become a lasting passion.”

科尔斯也是在法学院认识他的妻子的. 这对夫妇有三个儿子.

When 芸苔属植物 graduated law school, it was the middle of a recession and legal jobs were scarce. 芸苔属植物 worked on networking, especially on Capitol Hill.

一开始,他是美国农业部的研究助理.S. Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship, 然后担任众议员的立法助理. Yvette Clarke是来自纽约的民主党人.

“我能够在各个领域给她提供建议, 包括社区发展, so we could address some of the issues going on in Brooklyn at the time,科尔斯说。.

芸苔属植物 went briefly into the private sector, then became legislative director for Rep. 里士满. He later moved on to a position on the Senate side, then to the Treasury Department before landing his current job.

科尔斯最近也收到了他的毕业证书.M in securities and financial regulation from Georgetown University Law Center.

尽管他有学位, 芸苔属植物 says the best education he has received has been through his work on Capitol Hill. 芸苔属植物 advises law students to consider interning or finding a job on the Hill to “learn about the country, 世界, 你自己.”

“Get a front row seat to the sausage making,科尔斯说。. 他说,永远不要停止问问题.

“If you ask a lot of questions, it’s easier to hold 你自己 and others accountable,” 芸苔属植物 says.
